Thanks, Katie. Yeah "Tree-Time"! As a poet, for a while i have appreciated the following JFK quote: "If more politicians knew poetry, and more poets knew politics, I am convinced the world would be a little better place in which to live."
i write a fair amount of what are sometimes called "political poems" but i don't like the label b/c they are more so topical poems and about what affects the natural world, human beings, etc. Yet many poets shy away from or frown on such "political" poetry.
Thanks, Katie. Yeah "Tree-Time"! As a poet, for a while i have appreciated the following JFK quote: "If more politicians knew poetry, and more poets knew politics, I am convinced the world would be a little better place in which to live."
Thanks for the quote. I'm touched by JFK's reality--that the world would be "a little better" with poetry.
i write a fair amount of what are sometimes called "political poems" but i don't like the label b/c they are more so topical poems and about what affects the natural world, human beings, etc. Yet many poets shy away from or frown on such "political" poetry.
Poetry is like most things... Some like it, some don't.
It doesn't MATTER. What matters is finding the beauty and/or truth that works for you and living in it. xo
Agree. All that doesn't stop me from writing : )
I'm glad! Write on... ^_^